Mepco's Vacuum pumps are the indispensable heart of the modern heating system.
By rapidly exhausting air from the system it circulates steam quickly, minimizes the warm-up period and enables the heating system to
function quietly.
Type VRD-C5 unit, is designed for projects with capacities of 20,000 & 40,000 EDR with discharge pressure of 20 and 40
Each Mepco duplex pump is equipped with its own automatic controls and so arranged to provide automatic
controls and so arranged to provide automatic standby service. It is not necessary for
the operating engineer to switch from one condensate pump to the other manually, as the pumps alternate
automatically on float control. If one float switch contact closes and for some reason that pump
does not start, the other float switch contact will automatically close and start the other pump. Also,
if the condensate load becomes too great for one pump, the other pump will start automatically. Both
pumps then operate simultaneously, making it an exceptional feature to the operating engineer.