Mepco CRVD Condensate Return Pumps

Mepco Condensate Return Sytems

Mepco Condensate Return Systems

CRVD Condensate Pumps

Mepco type CRVD Condensate Pumps are complete and compact assemblies for returning water from gravity systems, low pressure steam process equipment, or from combinations of both. The are used where low pressure return mains are located at elevations which do not permit gravity flow of condensate to the boiler feed pump.

These pumps will quickly lift condensate from extremely low to high return lines and will automatically lift overflow water from auxiliary apparatus to storage tanks.

In many cases, installation of a Mepco Condensate Pump have accounted for impressive fuel savings by returning hot condensate to the boiler feed pump instead of wasting it to the sewer, thus reducing the amount of make-up water required, minimizing difficulties from boiler encrustation and reducing boiler treatment chemical costs.

Duplex Configuration
Capcity Range Pressure Standard Steel Tank Sizes Standard Cast Iron Tank Sizes
6,000-30,000 EDR (9-45 GPM) 20 PSI 24,33, and 70 Gal. 15, 21, and 36 Gal.