Bucket Trap Operation

Among the many items offered by Control Products you will find pumps and bucket trap units to assist in removing condensates from your system. Bucket traps are fairly simple but incredibly reliable. They force the steam to travel up and around an open vessel. The condensates, which are heavier than the steam, are unable to rise with the steam as it leaves the trap and are collected in the bucket. This is a very basic but effective way to remove many contaminants from your steam system. There are, of course, variations on this basic design offered by different manufacturers as well as different sizes and tolerances allowing operation in a range of environments. Control Products can help you determine which traps are best suited for your application. For full removal of liquids from the system you may consider a condensate pump for your boiler feed system.

Condensate Pump for Complete Removal

As a bucket trap operates, it collects liquid that must be removed from the system. In a steam system this fluid is basically water, however it can be full of contaminates that are trapped during the condensation process. A condensate pump will allow you to remove the liquid as it accumulates without opening the steam trap and affecting the steam pressure of the system. The liquid pumped out of a steam system is hot, dirty water. The pump will channel it into a sewer or collection point as determined by safety regulations. The experts at Control Products will help you to decide which traps and pumps are the proper sizes and specifications for your needs. Obviously, the size of your system and distance the condensates must travel from trap to disposal will greatly affect your needs. Another factor to consider is how quickly the liquids need to be removed. Our personnel is extremely familiar with the products we carry from various manufacturers and will be able to help you determine the model that is right for your application.